Rubber Ducky

A recipe that requires 1 of all craftable items in the game. As everyone knows, rubber duckies are notoriously hard to produce. How many RDPM can you sustain?

1 year, 3 months ago

g Suggestion: Don't change the first part's internal name

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

I've seen several mods (particularly Pyanodons and Space Exploration) that give an error about the item with name 'rubber-ducky-part' being removed when building their voiding recipes. I think it has to do with the internal name being changed to rubber-ducky-part-1 if there's more than one part. If it's possible that the first part is always 'rubber-ducky-part' (or rubber-ducky-part-1) and subsequent ones have 'rubber-ducky-part-2' and beyond, that would be a nice fix.

edit: I did find a workaround for the moment, which was to remove the specific void recipe from data.raw.recipe during data-final-fixes

8 months ago

Can you explain a bit more what you did ? i think i have the same issue as you

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