Rubber Ducky

A recipe that requires 1 of all craftable items in the game. As everyone knows, rubber duckies are notoriously hard to produce. How many RDPM can you sustain?

1 year, 3 months ago

g How to craft segments that are 250 items

2 years ago

I can't find a way to fill all the 250 items for one ducky segment, the maximum I could get to automate the duckies was 48 items and you can't daisy chain the sweatshops like you can with labs.

How do I automatically pump all the items into the sweatshop?

2 years ago

I just realised I can use Logistic requests however I can get the ducky segments, Nothing is made by the sweatshop, it uses 3 times the materials it says but never produce a segment

2 years ago

Once the sweatshop finishes one segment, it dumps the excess material into it's output and moves on to the next segment. Once all are done, it should make a ducky. I think you need to check the button to launch, or automatically launch checkbox, like a rocket.

2 years ago

I tried doing that but it doesn't see to have an output, I used a creative chest with every item needed as a test but no matter how long it goes on for nothing is produced, neither segments are the full duck

2 years ago

Lemme do some tests and get back to you.

2 years ago

I found an issue that I think was causing your problems. Latest version I think should have that fixed. Can you let me know if it's all working for you?
Also, you probably know this, but it takes two creative chests to insert the items, because you need items from both pages.

2 years ago

I just downloaded the update to test it but unfortunately I can't due to the change recipe button not working, I can't change the recipe to different parts nor change it to make a whole ducky. FNEI says both the parts and the ducky can be made in a rocket silo or a rubber ducky sweatshop but the rocket silos recipe can't be changed either

2 years ago

You actually shouldn't be able to change the recipe at all. That was a bug. I think the problem is that the sweatshop isn't being tracked. Can you try deleting and rebuilding it? The sweatshop should start with the first part, and automatically move on to the next part once the first is done (multiple parts are only necessary if there are more than 250 total ingredients). Once all parts are complete, the ducky will rise from the ground, and a proto ducky will be in the rocket inventory slot. Launching the rocket (either with the button, or the checkbox) will create a rubber ducky in the inventory below.

1 year, 11 months ago

Gotcha, I'm currently playing with the Krastorio 2 mod which changes ammo magazines, I can't currently craft it because it requests Uranium rounds magazine which isn't available in Krastorio 2 because the mod separates ammo for different guns, it seems like the vanilla rounds are replaced with pistol magazines which have regular and armour piercing variants however they don't have a uranium variant, there is rifle magazines which does have the 3 types though, so maybe the ducky could require the rifle rounds if it detects Krastorio 2 if it's possible to detect certain mods

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

It shouldn't include any items that don't exist in the game. Unless you have the "vanilla-only" setting checked, it should detect all recipes and generate the ingredients based on that. I'll give K2 an install and see what's up.

1 year, 11 months ago

Yeah, looks like K2 removed the recipe for that and imersive rounds, but not the item. I've corrected for that in the new version I just uploaded.

1 year, 11 months ago

That issue is now fixed, finished the first segment however an item from modular turrets, slowdown rounds magazine, is requested which has a hidden crafting recipe and therefore is unobtainable, and I don't see a way to enable the crafting recipe in the settings and there is no other research which enables it. Would it be better to add the modular turrets mod to a blacklist instead?

1 year, 11 months ago

I just redid a bunch of the recipe detection stuff so it should do a better job ignoring recipes that are impossible to unlock. Can you let me know if this fixes your problem?

New response