Rubber Ducky

A recipe that requires 1 of all craftable items in the game. As everyone knows, rubber duckies are notoriously hard to produce. How many RDPM can you sustain?

1 year, 3 months ago

b Unable to craft using Industrial Revolution 3

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

While the recipe is there and might be craftable for player it seems like no machine can craft it. Both FNEI and Factory planner show it as not craftable by any machines.

2 years ago

I'm guessing those mods are bugging. It is craftable in an assembler.

2 years ago

Oh, I just saw the title about ir3. I'll take a look

2 years ago

Can you place the recipe in an assembler? Also grab the latest version, it changes a lot of the internal logic.

2 years ago

Figured out what's happening. It looks like assembling machines have a hard cap of 255 items. I think I can get around it with a rocket-silo based item that rotates through ingredients.

2 years ago

This should be working now, although I suspect the planner is still not going to be able to handle it.

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