RP Item Anarchy

Creates item sprite variations for all items so you can watch individual iron plates move through the factory

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Conflict with Colour Blind Friendly Science Packs Mod

27 days ago

I noticed that when using this mod and Colour Blind Friendly Science Packs (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/cb-science) together, science pack entities in the world use their default sprites instead of their modified versions.

27 days ago

I have the exact same problem.

27 days ago

I have the exact same problem. It's only for science packs on belts ; in other places, their modded icons are displayed properly.

26 days ago

That's probably because my mod loaded first and applied custom graphics based on their original icons. I probably need to set that mod as an optional dependency to fix the load order.

New response