Robot World

Ability to customize the performance of your robots, such as speed, range, battery size, and more. Setting to use robots early. Setting to enable quick start mode. New robotics technologies. And more!

6 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i Settable Starting Items / Add Description to the Settings / Question about compatibility

6 years ago

it would be nice if you could add the option that we can set the starting resources. I found it kinda overpowered to obtain 200 transport and 50 build robots plus the many other things (electric poles, pump, boiler, generator, electic drills and so on.

It also would be good to have a description on the options you can set.
enable quick start mode - skip crash land and collection phase?
enable use robots early - changed resources, lower in tree i asume?
enable use logistic systems early - changed resources, lower in tree, the chests i assume?

Is your mod compatible to Klonans Robot Battery Research?

6 years ago

Please update the mod. I added config for all of the above options already. If there’s no update available, you’ll have to redownload the mod (I used the same version number for this update, 1.4.3).

This mod should be compatible with any mod, including the one above. Let me know if you encounter any issues with combining the mods.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

as it seems I didnt make my point clear.
I have updated your Mod and I am happy with it very much.

And i saw the new configs you made:
- enable early construction robots
- enable early logistic robots
- enable early logistic system
- enable quick start

My intention was that you give us a description to those lines what it does and maybe settable option for the items we gather after the crash landing inside the mod-config.

Mhm, maybe it is to op but those defence robots could also be inserted into your mod for late game as a permanent spawn. That can be put into the hanger and need much more electrity and ammo to defend your base.

Would it be possible for you to add option for the chests?

I want to set a safety stock, a reorder level and ordering amount of items within the requester chest to reduce the flying and that they have more time for other stuff.

For example:
safety stock: 10 unites
reorder level: 60 unites
ordering amount: 150 unites

So that i have when delivered 210 unites at least.

4 years ago

Bump. I don't want to create a new thread but I second this suggestion of adding descriptions. Not sure if I want to enable this or not.

New response