Robot World

Ability to customize the performance of your robots, such as speed, range, battery size, and more. Setting to use robots early. Setting to enable quick start mode. New robotics technologies. And more!

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b Can't research robot cargo size/robot speed

5 years ago

Well, as the title says, Infinite research for robot speed and cargo size is disabled. Im playing with Bobs+Angels+Robot world. I shouldn't say disabled, Tier 1 of both researches isn't there to research, but starting from step 2 they are all there. However, you can't access any of them without step 1.

5 years ago

I'm fixing it right now, thanks!

5 years ago

Fixed. Try updating, and let me know if that works.

5 years ago

Ty for quick response :) Works like a charm!

5 years ago

Hi. Still having the same issue after updating to the latest version.

New response