Robot World

Ability to customize the performance of your robots, such as speed, range, battery size, and more. Setting to use robots early. Setting to enable quick start mode. New robotics technologies. And more!

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g How do you craft the Oil Refinery?

5 years ago

Where do you craft the oil refinery? I have researched oil processing, and can craft the chemical plant, but cant seem to find out where to craft the refinery. Am I missing something or just being a noob ?


5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Are you using Bob's and Angel's mods? If so, you need to research Gas and Oil Extraction to unlock Oil Processing. Research Oil Processing to unlock the oil refinery.

If you're not using those mods, then after researching Oil Processing, the Oil Refinery will be located in the Production section of the crafting menu.

There's nothing in the mod that directly affects oil processing and/or research. Let me know if you still can't find it.

5 years ago

Sorted thanks. Removed all mods and reloaded them.

New response