Robot World

Ability to customize the performance of your robots, such as speed, range, battery size, and more. Setting to use robots early. Setting to enable quick start mode. New robotics technologies. And more!

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i Inserter capacity bonus beyond excessive

5 years ago

The Non-Stack Inserter Capacity Bonus caps at 255. In vanilla, the Non-Stack Inserter Capacity Bonus stops at +2. If possible, could this be an optional thing? It's not playing nice with early-game scaling.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I've removed all changes to inserters. I'm thinking about adding some sort of supersonic inserter for manufacturing purposes, though.

5 years ago

Update: I've added Overclocked Inserters, for use in overcoming throughput issues. I've also added an option to enable/disable the new inserters.

New response