Robot Army

Manufacture and deploy automated robot soldiers to attack your foes and defend your factory!

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

b Patrol Posts Ignored?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I browsed through posts here and issues logged on GitHub, but there seems to be no mention of anyone having issues with using Droid Patrol Posts. Am I alone here?

I have a Droid Guard Station setup with a length of Droid Patrol Posts connected by green wire, including a Post directly adjacent to the Guard Station. Droids spawn up to the designated cap, but they never leave the Guard Station. I'm expecting the droids to wander along the green wire, but nothing happens.

UPDATE: I tried moving the Posts farther away from the Guard Station and the Droids actually started to follow the green wire, but only to the first pole, and then they all clumped up behind each other in separate squads so still no joy. :(

Is this functionality entirely broken or am I missing something about how this works?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I'm using mod "Unit control" by Klonan with it you can select Guard Station and add patrol points to it (select Guard Station, select patrol from appeared Unit control GUI and shift+right click several times where you wanna to patrol), so deploying robots will follow patrol route designated to Guard Station.

But beware installing unit control mod that doing this will disable bots auto attack (re-enable auto-attack require Robot army source code patching).

2 years ago

Here's a mini tutorial during Xterminator's overview of my mod,

Just check that you are doing all those things, and in the correct order.

There's also this Github wiki page which maybe helps explain it:

1 year, 6 months ago

I'm using mod "Unit control" by Klonan with it you can select Guard Station and add patrol points to it (select Guard Station, select patrol from appeared Unit control GUI and shift+right click several times where you wanna to patrol), so deploying robots will follow patrol route designated to Guard Station.

But beware installing unit control mod that doing this will disable bots auto attack (re-enable auto-attack require Robot army source code patching).

Thx for this recommendation. Unit Control mod is 100 times easier to use and works really well.

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