Robot Army

Manufacture and deploy automated robot soldiers to attack your foes and defend your factory!

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

b Unit Control Incompatibility

3 years ago

It seems Unit Control breaks many automated features of the Robot Army mod. The units in the mod should be able to automatically form squads and hunt biter nests, but with Unit Control, it seems no squads are formed and no automated hunting occurs. It's always a shame when two good mods conflict like this.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

yes, I have improved this on the in-development v0.5.x which you can try out, here:

put that into a folder called robotarmy_0.5.0 in your factorio mods folder and try adding it to an existing save game and try it out. you should have automatic behaviours for hunting and be able to control the units as well, but if they are from an assembler they may get a new command from that at some point.

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