Robot Army

Manufacture and deploy automated robot soldiers to attack your foes and defend your factory!

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Robot Strength useless at later evolutions

4 years ago

I feel like there should be some better upgrade options for the bots in order to increase suitability. they get pretty decimated by biter nests in longer games.

Maybe add upgraded versions of them? mark 1 mark 2 and what not. Or add repeatable research that increases life and damage spesifically for them. I looked around and i cant find any documentation that says what research does what and what mods help this out.

I'm going to try the zerg approach. But i'd rather not have to do this as thats a lot of resources to throw away for a space exploration game. I'm already starving lol

4 years ago

Unit combinations can help a lot too. What droids are you using? Terminators and rocket bots together should be able to wipe out a lot of biters. There's also safety in numbers which allows a larger blob of terminators to clear out much more than lots of smaller squads over a period of time.

4 years ago

Another option is at later stages, use your army more as a single push effort to clear space with a huge army (and hand-deploy them) and then stop deployment once you've secured the area you needed.

4 years ago

combos of terms, rockets, and flame. I can show you whats happening if you want me to stream via discord or something. my tag is Lowcorn#7133.

I guess i'll try a set of 10 terms and see how well that go's

4 years ago

what i was hoping i could use them for was keeping the dam nests from popping up so close to me. Need a purifier squad lol. BURN THE XENOS

4 years ago

10 terminators? Those are rookie numbers ,gotta push up those numbers! Deploy a set of 30 and watch the world burn. There is a massive difference in effectiveness between 3 sets of 10 terminators or 1 set of 30.

4 years ago

im using the default auto attack behavior so i guess i'll need to figure out how to set up 30 instead. to google!

4 years ago

Droid settings module, see GitHub wiki how-to/settings module page

4 years ago

figured it out. 40 bot squad size. NO RETREAT.

lets see how this works

4 years ago

Rip biters.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hm... I avoid using ground-based units because they get stuck everywhere...
Laser distractors seem to ignore early laser damage/speed research. Same as vanilla, I guess, but they are too weak.
Also they unlock too early.
Also speaking of bugs, Droid Assemblers built by Construction Drones (other mod) don't place robots.

Tried changing distractor's values to be similar with vanilla, now they are much better. Also beams!

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Against Rampant mod enemies the bots are completely useless. Some kind of scale up possibilities would be useful.

3 years ago

I agree. The bots are useless against Bob's enemies or Rampant. This is why I stopped using them. I do like them, but when they aren't useful, I don't make them, and they're just there for nothing. Infinite research for their speed, health, and damage would be very useful.

Thanks for all the effort. I'd totally reinstall it if that was added. :D

3 years ago

Well I'm very late here, but what I would really like is if these robots had a grid so I could add equipment to them and / or were compatible with Schall Gun Pod. I have both Rampant, Natural Evolution and Schall Enemies, and these poor army robot bots don't stand a chance unfortunately. However, if I could add particle beem pods etc. from Schall Gun Pod then it would be a different matter :)

2 years ago

beeblebro, maybe in the future I can have equipment grids for some super-mega droid units (basically mechs) but the general way to spawn/build a droid doesn't mesh will with equipment grid, unless maybe I have some kind of armoury building near the droid deployment and you can configure it to attach/equip all droids within X radius with the equipment stored in it?

New response