Robot Army

Manufacture and deploy automated robot soldiers to attack your foes and defend your factory!

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Struggle to control big squads

5 years ago

I have two suggestions for this mod:

I want to control the amount of bots in one squad so it would be cool if i somehow could put squads together or set the squad size to exactly 50 for example.

Secondly if the bots are in a fight, they rarely listen to my comands and just keep fighting until all enemies or the bots are dead. Id like them to fall back if i command them to during a fight.

5 years ago

I will soon be adjusting the mod to be assembler-based squad control, so one assembler per squad, and it will allow more direct control with the droid settings module (or similar) to control the specific things you want ONLY that assembler's squad to behave like.

If you are using the Unit Control mod you can do 'move' instead of 'attack move', which will do what you want. They will move away (fall back) instead of fighting. With my Robot Army squad selection tool, the move command is "attack move", I can't be bothered putting a non-attack-move command in there.

New response