Robot Army

Manufacture and deploy automated robot soldiers to attack your foes and defend your factory!

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

a Changelog for 0.4.1

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

changes from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1:
- Adding Unit Control as an optional dependency for the mod - if detected as active, it disables the automatic squad control so the player has full freedom to command the units with the Unit Control mod GUI and tool instead.
- disabled the acid fire per-tick damage from worms and spitters, to help restore balance. it was too OP.
- fixed script error (needs confirmation) when deselecting a squad after some time has passed
- fixed script error trying to spawn/change units to an enemy force (needs confirmation) - they will be killed if they try to join a lua unitgroup whose force isn't the same as theirs. This is a temporary fix.
need better way of handling squads anyway, need to think about this case while doing that code re-work.
- bug fix for when trying to pick up droids with the pickup tool, if your inventory is full they were disappearing (no items returned, but droids removed).

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)


Would it be possible to have a SCALAR setting also for attack range and movement speed?

5 years ago

um... maybe? I can add that in when I make all these scalars and optional configuration settings available in the proper game mod settings menus.

5 years ago

The addition of Unit control is just awesome! You should make it a non optional dependency. The tools provided by the mod author are just great.
Also, your red rectangle to catch all bots at once screw the other mod, just saying. I don't know if Unit Control should be aware of your way of taking back bots or if you can do something on your side, but at least you should remove this tool if Unit Control is active.

Now, at last, I feel like playing an RTS. But your bots are great, and I'm keeping them :-)

5 years ago

Haha well some people have already expressed unhappiness with the way the two mods interact, so before I make it a required dependency I need to make it work together better.
That's very interesting about using the pick up tool and how it affects Unit Control. Can you explain more of what you do and what happens that is a problem? I can then try to recreate the issue and fix it.

5 years ago

oh that's easy. Unit control defines a squad when you select some bots with its grab tool. But if you remove the bots from map through your pick up tool, they are still part of (now non existing) squad of Unit Control. And it screws everything else (you can fix the problem by deinstalling then reinstalling unit control... now I think of it, if the dependency was made mandatory, I could not have done that!)

5 years ago

Sounds like unit control isn't able to handle when a unit is destroyed using destroy()

5 years ago

Has 0.41 changed anything of robot view? I still see they should view at a 30 tiles distance, but when not under radar coverage, I see nothing of their activity.

5 years ago

Their activity is revealed by script not by their view distance, and if the squad is dead/malformed, or broken because of adding unit control mod, they will not reveal the map anymore

5 years ago

I don't think it's feasible to reveal chunk for every single unit, but I will look into it and also ask Klonan if he's done anything like it before. I'm worried about lagging the game too much with like 400 units revealing Their chunks all the time

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Ah, so that's unit control that prevent their vision?

You mean it was squad based in your mod, so easy on CPU? Perhaps you can then do a trick, which is to only have at most 10 units per UPS (or whatever number is reasonable) have vision? I don't need super instant vision, but not knowing at all what is happening is an issue.

The lazy way is to pick 10 units at random. Even that would be a good first implementation...

5 years ago

I just uploaded 0.4.2 which has the feature you are talking about. The individual units themselves now act as little 1 chunk radars, without any extra mod CPU load. I've actually disabled the old squad logic chunk revealing now.

5 years ago

I forgot to mention it in the change log but I also now integrated the Unit Control feature of selecting a droid assembler building with the deployer selector tool, and you can set rally points/initial orders for every unit which is spawned from it. It's really cool!

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