Robot Army

Manufacture and deploy automated robot soldiers to attack your foes and defend your factory!

1 year, 10 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

a 0.3.0 Release

7 years ago

Hurray! Factorio 0.15 has released, and now it's time to release all the changes that have been happening with Robot Army over the last 8 months. There has been a lot of changes to logic under the hood, and a few new features/adjustments to the way things work.

Major changes include:

Removed automatic artifact collection and disabled normal access to the Army Loot Chest, this is now obsolete in Factorio 0.15.0+

RTS style selection of a squad (only one squad select-able at once!) and attack-move commands issued with a simple selection box tool. It's called the "Droid Squad Command Tool"

New selection tool to quickly pick up any droid-like unit, called "Droid Pick-Up Tool", to help you clean up squads that are misbehaving or you otherwise want to clear (pick up) a whole bunch at once, quickly.

Droid Assemblers self-limit spawning around them to max 1.5x squad hunting size to avoid run-away-spawning situations (spawning into a huge blob and making a mess)

New config file options for squad targeting mechanisms - assembler-centered, squad-centered, or "radius clear" around assembler and then squad-centered if the radius is clear.

Super complicated logic and automatic failure recovery for squads who have issues pathfinding or otherwise failing orders - automatic squad disbanding and recovery and joining nearby squads after retreat.

Re-balancing of droid build times

Massive performance improvements, distributed squad AI processing across multiple game ticks instead of all at once

Please, report bugs on Github ( or on the forum thread, not on the Mod Portal (until they allow mod authors to get email notifications).

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