Robot Attrition?NO!


Decrease setting of "Robot Attrition Factor" to make robots work safe. 修改机器人故障系数的数值,使机器人可以安全存活并进行物流运输工作。 Add a new setting then u can customize InformaTron's Height semi-automatic. do not set "4k" will fix setting error later. 新增设置项,可以使你根据显示器分辨率的大小 半自动的信息机器人界面显示高度。 view more information about how change Factor in a running game . 进入模组页面查看如何更改已创建游戏的机器人故障几率系数.

6 months ago

g Does not work

2 years ago

It doesn't seem to be working. First I've left everything untouched, bots did explode. Later I set attrition to -1 as the tip said when I started a new world, bots did explode. I've set the value to 0 and guess what? Bots still explode.

2 years ago

just test in se 0.6.85 , works anticipated.
can u test like this. exit running game and set -1 then start a new game.
print '/cheat' and enable cheat mod ,,if active print '/se-launch-satellite 10' and open Universe-explorer .
check it ?
or submit more detailed problem description?

2 years ago

So your way to test if a mod works is to try it in "cheat mode"? The chance that a bot will explode is so low that I would need to spend hours in the hope it would happen. Plus what "more detailed description"? As I said, I've set the value for Robot Attrition to -1 and they still explode. What else should I need to explain here?

2 years ago

no.i means u can check the real factor in Universe-explorer. with SE's change(or bug) ,factor cannot be changed sometimes.
if game has been created and then changes the Robot Attrition Factor 's value will not change the real factor.
i tested lots of situations , so far it works normally. but not sure all situations work correctly.
Previous replies show how to check the real factor . if Factor belows 1 or near to 0 , this mod works expected.
or not . u may need submit more details , and i will check and find what's wrong than this mod does not work.

1 year, 11 months ago

Sorry for the late reply (lack of time to play). I've checked the solution from other discussion to add new ore and then refresh the map and looks like it solved my problem.
It is a good idea to post it on the main site of the mod that: "you should set the value to -1 before you create a new game or to do "this" on already existing save".

New response