Research Queue: The Old New Thing

Allows players to queue research, filter research according to required science packs, and automatically queue prerequisites for desired tech. The current maintainer is Saeuissimus. Originally developed by Mr Doomah, with updates by Doomquill, Chrisgbk and thelordodin.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b Mod crash when attempting to mine research lab from map

5 years ago


Crashes when attempting to mine by hand, non-crash error when attempting to do the same thing via nanobots.

5 years ago

What a blunder. :facepalm:
I'm pushing a fix for this right now.

5 years ago

Thank you! Also, is there any way to bind a hotkey to opening up this mod's gui? T is the default vanilla keybind for the vanilla research gui, it'd be great if there were a way to bind a key to this mod. I wouldn't suggest overwriting the T-keybind for vanilla, because sometimes I do use the vanilla NON-QUEUE interface to prioritize a single emergency-override tech unlock. I'm aware that there's a vanilla research-queue (I've never seen it) and it would be nice if there were a way for this mod to forcibly suppress that vanilla rq, though I'm also aware that there's some sort of issue with running the vanilla rq alongside this mod.

I'm only vaguely aware of the fact that default behavior for the vanilla rq is that you have to global-unlock it for a Factorio username by launching a rocket... or something? I get the feeling that explaining this to me might not be relevant, though I'd appreciate a more in-depth understanding if you could find time to explain it. At any rate, it occurs to me that whatever the username unlock-flag might be for the vanilla rq could be backend-re-enabled (by lua command...?) by this mod? I am a pretty experienced Factorio player, but the vanilla rq is a rather recent feature I think, and I haven't played modless-vanilla since at least v0.15 when .15 was still rated as experimental-unstable.

I'm perfectly willing to wait if this is a non-starter for modding purposes, but again, IF you could be so kind as to explain to me what enables the vanilla-rq, or how EXACTLY this mod is different from the vanilla, I might be in a position to ask more coherent questions in the future if something evolves or changes. Thanks for this great mod, btw! Glad someone took it over.

5 years ago

There is a key binding for the GUI. If you look in the key binding options you'll see a category for mod bindings. I think all mods are mixed in there but the key binding for the event that toggles the GUI should be there. The default key binding is Ctrl + T.

To tell you the truth, I added in the option to toggle the vanilla research queue (I'm not sure you've seen it? Look at the buttons that filter ingredients. The tooltip should be pretty clear.) because I was not sure what would be the best setup: with or without the native queue. When I added that I was not actively playing, I just recently came back. As far as I remember, the vanilla research queue is enabled for a specific "force". The mod creates a queue for every force and allows each player to manage the queue of their own force. Since I don't know the full ramifications of using the research queue I preferred to make it a toggle. If it turns out that very bad things could happen due to this toggle I would consider removing it or restricting it to options at the start of the game depending on the case. So far, no one has reported bad issues but I'm not sure how many are trying to mix this queue with the native one. I'm aware that there is some issue with mixing this mod's queue with the automatic research mod though. It would be interesting to solve that one but I haven't looked at it yet. Ideally, you would be able to use the research queue mod to queue technologies that you want to research. When that queue is empty, you could have the automatic research mod take over and queue up a new technology in the meantime.

Back to the native vs this mod's research queue: as far as I know, the only feature missing in the native research queue is the ability to queue a technology and all its dependencies/prerequisites. The GUI itself is quite different but I'm not sure I like the mod's GUI that much anyway. I was thinking of having scroll panes for the queue and the grid of technologies.

In short, I don't really know the possible uses of this mod. I'm interested in hearing ideas to possibly implement them if they convince me. I just took over its maintenance because I found an opportunity to optimize it :P. It had a serious slowdown when toggling filtering for an ingredient. The algorithm involved had exponential complexity in terms of time. The GUI had some annoying quirks too, so I cleaned it up a bit.

Now that I think about it, I should expand on the description of the mod. I've been seeing many similar questions to yours.

New response