Research Queue: The Old New Thing

Allows players to queue research, filter research according to required science packs, and automatically queue prerequisites for desired tech. The current maintainer is Saeuissimus. Originally developed by Mr Doomah, with updates by Doomquill, Chrisgbk and thelordodin.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b Auto research compatibility

4 years ago


I have the auto research mod and I think it is causing incompatibility with the research queue.
Searches are not following the order defined in the research queue. The research queue is being ignored.
Is there any setting or alternative for this?


My mod list in this save:

Thanks! This mods is very usefull!

4 years ago

Hmm, is the native research queue enabled? I haven't explored interactions with the auto research mod at all but it would be interesting to see if a good setup could exist. E.g. always have some research going on but override it manually through the research queue interface and, as soon as the queue empties, the auto research logic takes over once again. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to do that but do tell if you had something else in mind.

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