Research Queue: The Old New Thing

Allows players to queue research, filter research according to required science packs, and automatically queue prerequisites for desired tech. The current maintainer is Saeuissimus. Originally developed by Mr Doomah, with updates by Doomquill, Chrisgbk and thelordodin.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i The search function "upgrade", hehe..😁

4 years ago

The search functionality, can you improve it ?
For instance, Lab research speed.
If i search "Lab", it will not get any result.
Only if i search for "research", it bears result.

On Vanilla research tab, we can use a "Lab" as keyword.
Or even use product partial keyword, like "medium" will pinpoint to electric energy distribution research.

Why this mod can't ? There's another Research mod (Auto Research) that can do same search result as vanilla.

But the thing is, i really like this mod because it has big button / interface, easier to prioritize, or see at glance, plus the added functionality to calculate research time.
I don't want to automate everything, and this mod perfect for that.

It's only that, the search button is finicky at best 😒.
Usually i do search in vanilla tab, then i search in this mod tab.

My guess, this mod probably still based on older API code (or whatever it's called) where the mod cannot access a localized (english) names ?
Only search through some kind of id thing ?

Well. i hope you can improve it in the future.πŸ‘

4 years ago

I'll take a look at the Auto Research mod to improve the search. This mod only searches among the technology names currently.

Unfortunately, the search of localised names is not that well supported. I know that factorio has a custom solution for this problem when searching the crafting menu for example. However, there's no Lua API that I have seen that exposes functionality like that. To tell the truth, it doesn't surprise me. Defining an adequate interface that avoids exposing information that could cause desynchronizations and is useful for more than one collection of objects is not easy. I liked this proposal in particular:
But I'm not sure what sort of interface would be more maintainable for the factorio team anyway.

Other than that, I think I read about some mods hardcoding dictionaries of all localisations for the collections they wanted to search. This looks like it could work but would end up being stale pretty easily.

Another option that could help alleviate this issue is exposing the internal name of the research in the tooltip. This would at least add discoverability of the keyword used for the current search method.

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