Research Queue: The Old New Thing

Allows players to queue research, filter research according to required science packs, and automatically queue prerequisites for desired tech. The current maintainer is Saeuissimus. Originally developed by Mr Doomah, with updates by Doomquill, Chrisgbk and thelordodin.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i quick suggestion

5 years ago

when i mouse over a technology in the research queue menu, i get a small window by my mouse with the name of the technology. could that small window include the science packs, or whatnot, needed to complete it?
and if it's possible, a history of what has been researched would be nice

5 years ago

Hey there. I added a list of the ingredients needed to the technology tooltip in the last release. I'm not sure what you mean by history though. There's one button to show the completed technologies mixed in with the unresearched ones but I'm guessing you meant a separate view?

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