
Gives more life to your world by allowing trees to grow and spread.

7 years ago

g possible uses

7 years ago

could this script be modified to work with ores. im wondering if this could be used to allow a ore to spread like tiberium

7 years ago

I'll do a quick check and get back to you.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

It is possible to do this with just the base mod. All you have to do is add this to the config file after everything:

types['resource'] = {}
types['resource'].name = 'resource'
types['resource'].tick_min = 60
types['resource'].tick_max = 120
types['resource'].surface = 1
types['resource'].selection_chance = 1
types['resource'].max_place_distance = 2
types['resource'].propagation_chance = {}
types['resource'].propagation_chance['grass'] = 1
types['resource'].propagation_chance['grass-medium'] = 1
types['resource'].propagation_chance['grass-dry'] = 1
types['resource'].propagation_chance['dirt'] = 1
types['resource'].propagation_chance['dirt-dark'] = 1
types['resource'].propagation_chance['sand'] = 1
types['resource'].propagation_chance['sand-dark'] = 1
types['resource'].propagation_chance['out-of-map'] = 0
types['resource'].propagation_chance['deepwater'] = 0
types['resource'].propagation_chance['deepwater-green'] = 0
types['resource'].propagation_chance['water'] = 0
types['resource'].propagation_chance['water-green'] = 0
types['resource'].overrides = {}
types['resource'].overrides['oil'] = {}
types['resource'].overrides['oil'].disabled = true

I'm working on an interface that will allow mods to add things without having to worry about all of the fiddly bits of the config file.

Feel free to modify these settings, as this will allow ore to spread every 1 to 2 seconds, up to 2 tiles away, for every chunk. Using this unmodified will slow down your game when you have lots of chunks.

7 years ago

ah ok. i was able to make the changes and get it to work. looks like i was on the right track with what needed to be changed. do you mind if i embed a copy of this into my tiberium mod with proper credit of course.

7 years ago

Go right ahead

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