Ratio Tree

This mod makes it possible to explore all the ratio´s in a easy way until you are completely statisfied.

7 years ago

g Mod doesn't display information

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I Looked up the yellow sience packs and it showed only the Icon for that - nothing more. yes, i picked the real english name for them out of autocomplete.

This is probably a language setting problem - I am playing the game in german the autocomplete this mod offers is only english - i don't often know the english names of the items though. Could it lookup which language is used and use that language for autocomplete and only fallback on english?

I am on version 0.15.15

7 years ago

I don't have the same problem as you when enabling other languages, it works just fine. A bit silly question but, you didn't have your bound on 1 right?

It's actually impossible for a mod to look up the localized names of things within the game, this is due factorio's design. The german name you get displayed is only a decoration, internally it's saved as item-name.high-tech-science-pack but will display Wissenschaftspaket für Hochtechnologie if your language is german. I can however display the german results if you look something up in english. I don't know if that would be better though.

7 years ago

I checked the bound -> it doesn't seem to matter what I do. I chose "high tech science pack" tested with different values on Number of assemblers or Productions per second both with bound set to several different numbers switch on or of. It just displays the yellow science pack icon with the according number. nothing more.

I have several mods which give extra recipies to the game. F.e. Bob's Logistics - would that matter?

As for the autocomplete: the problem is I don't know the english names. it' a guessing game. What about not using a text system there but let the recipies be chosen by their icon as in handcrafting? As I play with steam or xbox controller this would come even more handy, because normally my keyboard is far away ;-)
Displaying information in the user used language would be appreciated though :-)

7 years ago

I am also having this issue, selecting Production Science Pack only displays a single icon.

7 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce the problem from your comments. I've tested bob's mod and all of them work. Does the problem persist in version 0.0.3? If so I need a complete list of all the mods you're using and a screenshot of the query in question.

Support for multi-language search will be added to my todo-list but it's on low priority for now.

7 years ago

Hey Kikker450, the issue does persist with version ratiotree_0.0.5.

Here's a picture: https://i.imgur.com/5I42KLy.png
Modlist: https://i.imgur.com/m0OdtKG.png

7 years ago

The mod that breaks my mod is "reverse factory". The way it works is that my mod searches the ingredients from a certain recipe. It then searches for fitting recipes which produce that ingredient. This however is vulnerable to infinite loops for example oil <- empty-oil-barrel -< fill-oil-barrel <- oil etc. Which I filter out.

Reverse factorio essentially adds a infinite loop for lots of items: assembler-2 <- iron-plate <- rt-assembler-2 <- assembler-2 which are filtered out. So not a single recipe is qualified so it displays nothing.

I will add this mod to the not compatible (for now) list.

Btw when providing a modlist please provide a zipfile with all the mods in it next time, it was a bit silly to manually install/enable every single one of them ;).

7 years ago

Sorry about that, I appreciate you finding the cause! I'll disable it as I think your mod is going to be more useful than the other.

New response