7 months ago

b Impossible research

4 months ago

Would it be possible for the mod to only start research that is possible? The mod has now started research that requires green science packs, but these have not yet been researched.

4 months ago

Hmm, the mod should already check that a new tech is reachable (not sure if you know Lua, but this is the check -

I don't suppose you know the order that the techs were picked for you, and what you couldn't end up researching? I know some techs don't have all the prerequisites coded in, so I might need to add some extra ones, I had to add the projectile research items here -

4 months ago

The problem is a research from another mod. It doesn't have all the required science packages as a condition. Is it otherwise possible to check whether the science packages that a research needs are already available and, if not, to research the corresponding science packages first?
And btw, I basically have no idea about Lua. I only know the basics of Factorio modding..

4 months ago

I have another question. I've temporarily deactivated your mod. Is there a way to open the technology tree again? Because for some reason it is still disabled.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

The problem is a research from another mod. It doesn't have all the required science packages as a condition. Is it otherwise possible to check whether the science packages that a research needs are already available and, if not, to research the corresponding science packages first?
And btw, I basically have no idea about Lua. I only know the basics of Factorio modding..

Sorry, I'm sure there is a better way to find out if a research can actually be researched, but I'm not aware of how to do that. This mod just hardcodes in the missing dependencies for the vanilla research items, so other mods might not work with this if they don't define all of those dependencies.

I have another question. I've temporarily deactivated your mod. Is there a way to open the technology tree again? Because for some reason it is still disabled.

Yes, this is possible, you need to run the following console commands to remove, or add, the player to the permission group (no need to disable the mod when running these)

/c game.permissions.get_group('no-research-changes').remove_player(1)
/c game.permissions.get_group('no-research-changes').add_player(1)

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