Quick Start

Start with one of three kits to jump start your Factorio experience. The kit can be selected in the mod config settings. Small: A few belts, burner mining drills and plates. Medium: Construction Robots, Personal Roboport, Assembling Machines, Electricity, Car Big: Lots of Belt, Poles, Assembling Machine 2's, Logistic Chest (Request/Provider), Roboports, Logistic + Construction Robots and other stuff. This kit also unlocks all technologies required by the logistics system.

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

g Added bots-only

6 years ago

I've taken a look at the code you've got here and added a fourth option "bots only" which doesn't give you anything more than the standard vanilla kit, though it also provides the power armor 1 setup that comes with the "medium" kit.

Basically, what I'm trying to do is emulate the vanilla setup but also give those fifty construction bots as a starting ability. The problem I've run into is that the power armor 1 (even without shields) is fairly beefy defense against biters. So you're basically immune to personal attack for quite some time.

What I'm hoping for is a way to make a COPY of the power armor 1 which has no defenses whatsoever and make that the default armor.

Additionally, it would be good to modify all the existing early-game armor to have the same space as the power armor 1. That way, the player can progress up the armor chain as normal, but still have the construction bots available the whole while.

Do you think this would be a lot of work? I'd do it myself, but I don't know how.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I wouldn't worry about the armor. Biter's aren't a threat in the early game regardless of your armor, unless you exit the starting area and build near the biters right from the beginning. I think it's nice to not have a bunch of armors lying around.

6 years ago

Exactly, they pose no threat and especially if you play smart anyway. Usually the worse thing that happens is they start attacking your power supply and are easy targets for you to gun down. Even when playing RSO I always at least get the submachingun and turrets to put up around power and research lab areas because I easily get distracted with building and forget to check out the biter situation.

Never neglect a good weapon upgrade and turrets. Don't sweat the armor, consider if it's OP if you jump into a base with 5+ big worms and survive with just your sub.

6 years ago

I disagree, if you play deathworld with a small starting area you are toast if you don't heavily prioritize military techs and defense. OTOH, if you enjoy that kind of start you wouldn't be using this mod anyway :)

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