(what i suggest is adding Quarry Mod with any/all mods that begin with N-Z, and then with A-M---only selecting mods which do not add any ores for the first two runs). Then if there are no errors, take note of which mods add ores or mineables to the game that have not been tested against quarry mod and test those individually) --and make sure to include any needed dependent mods regardless of name, of course).
This, i find, is the fastest way to isolate cross-mod conflicts that don't necessarily appear in vanilla, but will appear with specific combinations of mods. As a player and a programmer, i can say that doing even so little as this helps TREMENDOUSLY. By knowing what mods to look at, the author can more-quickly resolve the issue. The only reason i don't take this up personally is i know there are at least a dozen other mods out there that add mineables that i, personally, am not using.