Portal Research

Everything is better with portals. Research new technologies to get around faster, and even start establishing off-world mining bases.

6 years ago

g Incompatible with Angel's Petrochem and Wear and Tear

6 years ago

Installing Portal Research with my mod set creates an error between Angel's Petrochem and Wear and Tear. If you need the full mod list, let me know.

6 years ago

I've investigated this, it's actually a bug in Wear and Tear. Some of my items use tinted vanilla icons instead of a custom graphic, wear and tear blows up because it is looking for icons and doesn't understand tints.

6 years ago

I've posted a bug report in discussion for Wear and Tear.

6 years ago

I have similar issue without Wear and Tear, but with ShinyAngelGFX, ShinyBobGFX and WaiTex.
Full mod-list: https://pastebin.com/a45Tf87T

6 years ago

Is it an error that looks like this? https://pasteboard.co/GzbUM7H.png

Specifically "Error while loading [something] prototype" and "Key "icon" not found in property tree at..."

Then it's most likely NOT a problem with my mod, some other mods might expect there to always be an icon but this is a mistake on their part and the bug needs to be raised with those mod authors (because certainly mods other than mine could also use the tint feature, it's totally valid but an apparently less well known feature of the Factorio API).

Eventually I'll have custom icons for everything of course, but for now it's a useful and quick way to prototype things.

If it's a different error of course then please post here what error message you are getting and I'll fix it ASAP!

6 years ago

This bug:
9.029 Error PrototypeLoader.cpp:92: Error loading prototype, used default instead: Error while loading gui-style prototype "default" (gui-style): Key "filename" not found in property tree at ROOT.gui-style.default.mi-icon-plastic-forming-plant.default_background

Screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/WuobQ

6 years ago

Someone else had this error - the culprit is ModuleInserter (but it is the same issue related to tinted graphics). I'll post a bug report over there, but if you disable it that should solve the issue.

New response