I have found a few slight problems with the GUI.
First, the first rocket I launched didn't provide a way to choose a location.
Second, the details of the sites in the GUI have unknown keys. Some of the labels and the details (name, size and distance I mean) can be read, they just say e.g. 'Unknown key:"site-details-label-name"', 'Unknown key:"site-size-very-small"' etc.
Third, clicking the ok button on the site details does nothing.
Fourth, whilst clicking on the details of sites whilst on a site, this error occured:
Error while running event portal-research::on_gui_click (ID 1)
portal-research/modules/gui.lua:234: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
Apart from these, the off-world portals seem to work fine.