Personal Roboport Switch

by mknejp

Allows you to control whether the personal roboports equipped in your armor or a vehicle should automatically deactivate while within the range of other roboports. No longer pick up random junk while deconstructing your base! Default keybind is "O"

7 years ago

b [14.21] crash

7 years ago

10691.043 Error MainLoop.cpp:788: Exception at tick 3842366: Error while running event on_tick (ID 0)
LuaPlayer API call when LuaPlayer was invalid.
stack traceback:
personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:233: in function 'is_entity_only_in_deactivated_networks'
personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:307: in function 'process_unit'
personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:522: in function <personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:518>
10691.043 Error ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:93: MultiplayerManager failed: "Error while running event on_tick (ID 0)
LuaPlayer API call when LuaPlayer was invalid.
stack traceback:
personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:233: in function 'is_entity_only_in_deactivated_networks'
personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:307: in function 'process_unit'
personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:522: in function <personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:518>"
10691.043 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(3842366) changing state from(InGame) to(Failed)

7 years ago

Similar error causing crash when switching from player to Drone from Drones mod

Error while running event on_tick (ID 0)
LuaPlayer API call when LuaPlayer was invalid.
stack traceback:
personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:233: in function 'is_entity_only_in_deactivated_networks'
personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:307: in function 'process_unit'
personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:522: in function <personal-roboport-switch/src/main.lua:518>

7 years ago

Same crash happened after I put vehicle roboports (from Bob's) into a train wagon, then viewed a remote mine using YARM.

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