Pyanodon tweak for Landfill

Adjusts the technology requirements for landfill to allow for the Pyanodon slower access to logistic science packs

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18
This mod 7 From other mods 5
Dependency types:
Default 7 Required 3 Conflict 0 Optional 4 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 315K
base >= 0.17.74 -
pyindustry >= 1.3.7 57.0K
pycoalprocessing >= 1.4.9 57.3K
pyfusionenergy 53.0K
pyhightech 48.4K
pypetroleumhandling 49.7K
pyrawores 49.9K
Last dependency data update: an hour ago (for v0.18.1)