Ore Chaos deprecated

Replace a small fraction of the tiles in an ore patch by tiles of a different type. - 'Help there's coal in my copper ore!'

6 years ago
0.14 - 0.16

b AAI Vehicles

6 years ago

This is great mod which brings a lot of new experience to the game...
... but I occured one problem. As I started new game I mined ores with mining drill and if you have a patch with different ores it will mine them and cycle between them.
But when I advanced and started to use AAI Vehicles Mining Vehicle to get the ores there a problem occured. It start to mine just only one ore until its tile was not depleted and then start to mine another ore.

Do you have any clue how can I solve this problem or could you solve this issue in next version of mod?
Thank you so much.

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