Ore Mover/Manager

by UPD-8

Ore patches aren't always in the right place. Now you can move resources, ores and oil patches out of the way with precision. A slightly modified version that tries to deal with the mass ore pickup bug.

2 years ago

g How to Use

9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

For those players like myself who can get confused with simple instructions (ha), here are the steps for usage:
1) when you start the game, a new recipe will be found in your crafting window under the Logistics tab. It looks like the Wooden Box but its name is Ore Manager Chest. It costs two wood to build.
2) build the chest.
3) place the chest on top of an ore patch or an oil puddle. That patch/puddle will disappear. If you want, you can imagine that the patch is inside the box, but there is no graphic for that...the box will still be empty. You'll just have to remember what you did.
4) run to where you want that patch to appear on the map, and then place the box on the ground. The patch will appear.

I tried picking up two patches at once (but one at a time) and move them both. It worked. The patches appeared in the order of which I picked them up.

9 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)


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