Hacked this by adding shortcuts.lua
file to prototypes folder with content:
type = "shortcut",
name = "OreErase-shortcut",
order = "o[ore-erase]",
action = "create-blueprint-item",
item_to_create = "ore-erase",
toggleable = true,
icon =
filename = "__ore-erase__/graphics/ore-erase.png",
priority = "extra-high-no-scale",
size = 32,
scale = 1,
flags = { "icon" }
small_icon =
filename = "__ore-erase__/graphics/ore-erase.png",
priority = "extra-high-no-scale",
size = 32,
scale = 1,
flags = { "icon" }
disabled_small_icon =
filename = "__ore-erase__/graphics/ore-erase.png",
priority = "extra-high-no-scale",
size = 32,
scale = 1,
flags = { "icon" }
and added
to data.lua
file. The icon then shows in the quick tools.
Of course, an item translation and a nice icon could be in order next.