No Wall Repair

by Pawz

Disable repair for walls. This will prevent bots from sitting on walls 'repairing' them and taking damage / dying needlessly. Walls self-repair if they don't take damage for 5 seconds.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Please add setting for wall auto repair

4 years ago

This is a very useful mod but i would also like a setting to disable walls repairing themselves
so you would need either a mod like repair turret of to just accept that your walls will die every couple of attacks

some other nice settings would be adjustable delay on auto repair and repair rate on auto repair.

4 years ago


3 years ago

A bit to the side of this, the option to blacklist certain walls? Spaceship walls have issues with this mod (and the bug where mods that were built damaged, don't get fixed)

3 years ago

I can't make a setting to toggle it on and off in-game (it tweaks the entity prototype to add unrepairable) but the other settings have been added.

@Mernom -- if you have a specific mod / wall combo that break with this mod, I can add a specific exclusion.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

spaceship-walls ("se-spaceship-wall") are part of the mod
Check space-exploration\prototypes\phase-1\entity\spaceship.lua for more details.
I am not sure what the specific bug would be though.

( I know quite an old post, but the changelog does not imply it has been addressed yet)

1 year, 9 months ago

@Pawz: Sorry for resurrecting this, but I think that what the original poster meant was to add an option that would disable the auto-repair feature itself - e.g. no auto-healing for the walls - just let them get destroyed instead. I think the point of it would be to have the mod feel less "cheatty" (so, yes, you disable the wall repairs, but there's still no free lunch).

Currently this can be somewhat simulated by tweaking wall repair options to take a very long, long time.

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

spaceship-walls ("se-spaceship-wall") are part of the mod
Check space-exploration\prototypes\phase-1\entity\spaceship.lua for more details.
I am not sure what the specific bug would be though.

( I know quite an old post, but the changelog does not imply it has been addressed yet)

Since walls that were built damaged don't get auto repaired, I expect the same to happened to walls that got teleported. Besides, that removes the option of tanking damage using bots.

1 year, 9 months ago

having a long delay would work, the option did not exist when the post was made

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

My walls kept repairing themselfs even though I set the repair multiplier and repair count to zero.
I Looked at your code and I've found that you check the max repair count after the first repair has been startet, and there is a portion of the repair-amount that is unaffected by the repair multiplier setting.

I'm currently testing if the game breaks if i comment out the whole content of that repair function with --[[ and --]] but it seems to work, and no wall is gaining health.

I just commented out all the code in the control.lua, so nothing gets added to some repair lists. I have no idea what im doing, but for now nothing broke. πŸ‘

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