No Infinite Technology

Makes all the infinite technologies only researchable once, thus allowing you to unlock every technology.

7 days ago

g Related Request

8 days ago

Could you make a mod that removes the epic and legendary quality techs so I can leave them unresearched while also clearing the technology screen

8 days ago
(updated 8 days ago)

Could you make a mod that removes the epic and legendary quality techs so I can leave them unresearched while also clearing the technology screen

Any particular reason for these two technologies? Why not all the quality technologies?

And such things are really easy, you can make your own mod, just unzip this mod, and replace the contents of data-final-fixes with:

data.raw["technology"]["epic-quality"] = nil
data.raw["technology"]["legendary-quality"] = nil

If you want to publish the mod, just modify info.json to you're liking (make sure to add "dependencies": ["quality"] to it as well).

8 days ago

There's a mod that removes quality if you want (including those technologies), and I'm making my own version at the moment.

8 days ago

excellent ty

and just because you spend so long with uncommon and rare that the new qualities end up creating stuff you cant replace everything with, late in my first space age playthrough i had basically everything as Rare and that was cool but then i didnt need epic, i later researched them but probably wasnt worth the hassle outside of legendary collectors/thrusters

8 days ago

Yeah, the game has already been hard for me, so I've decided not to use any quality stuff either so as to not make things more complicated.
But I'm a completionist, so I've been researching the technologies anyway (which is why I made this mod, because I wanted to actually complete all the technologies!)

8 days ago

Ok, I've done my mod, you may find it useful:

8 days ago
(updated 8 days ago)

nice, i just finished the things you suggested, tried to disable the UI elements for epic and legendary but ive settled for just the techs for now

8 days ago

Oh that's easy, just do

data.raw["quality"]["epic"].hidden = true
data.raw["quality"]["legendary"].hidden = true

Actually deleting them will be harder as the game will fail to load due to the tips and tricks and achievements that reference them.

8 days ago

yeah i didnt want to spam for teaching but if it's easy, will quickly do it

8 days ago

another thing im doing is changing the sound that plays for "large-explosion"

8 days ago

Go ahead and ask for help! Although I don't have that much experience modding...

With the sound, thing I don't know how to actually make or modify the audio files...

8 days ago

Are you trying to modify this function
(i.e. modify all explosions that use it) or are you trying to modify a specific explosion?

8 days ago

the purple and orange icons are gone ty king

and I can edit the file myself, I go to data/base/prototypes/entity/sounds lua and then go line 625, I've changed large explosion to medium explosion which sounds better on platforms with a lot of rocket turrets firing explosive rockets. The problem is that i dont know how the mods target the game files and editing specific things so I wouldn't know what to put where

8 days ago

oh nice you replied before me lol, and yeah i dont like the large explosion sound, it has this annoying pop

8 days ago

sounds.large_explosion = function(min_volume, max_volume)
aggregation =
max_count = 4,
remove = true
audible_distance_modifier = 1.95,
variations = sound_variations_with_volume_variations("base/sound/fight/medium-explosion", 5, min_volume, max_volume or min_volume, volume_multiplier("main-menu", 0.6) )

is mine

8 days ago

Yeah, that won't work as there will be code that has already called that function

8 days ago
(updated 8 days ago)

You'll also need something like this to update any explosions already using that sound:

for _, explosion in pairs(data.raw.explosion) do
    if explosion.sound.variations[1].filename == "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg" then
        explosion.sound = sounds.large_explosion(explosion.sound.variations[1].min_volume, explosion.sound.variations[1].max_volume) end end
8 days ago

as in it wouldnt work in a mod form? because it works currently, the pop spam has stopped

8 days ago

as in it wouldnt work in a mod form? because it works currently, the pop spam has stopped

Yes, with a mod containing two things: your change of sounds.large_explosion and my loop.

But you say it already works without the loop? Very strange..., unless your hearing explosions added by mods loaded after yours.

8 days ago

no i just changed to medium explosion which is a sound that factorio has for stuff like the ship crash/machines -

8 days ago

anyway ty

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