
Removes deconstruction flag timeout.

3 years ago

b None functional

2 years ago

Does not seems to work, deconstruction marks still run out.

1 year, 5 months ago
(updated 1 year, 5 months ago)

It doesn't work except for the first time it's added to a save. It only has an on_init handler, which is only run for new saves or when a mod is added to a save for the first time. It should also contain a "on_load" handler, because that's what's called when an existing save is loaded that had the mod added previously.

Weirdly, the game seems to save game.player.force.deconstruction_time_to_live sometimes (often, but not always). I don't know why.

EDIT: Okay, yeah, tried it, it really doesn't work even on being newly added to a savegame. Investigation commences… (need the functionality)

New response