Muppet Streamer

Features that a streamer can let chat activate to make their games more dynamic and interactive. These features are more complicated than can be achieved via simple Lua scripting and are highly customisable within the command/remote interface calls.

3 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

i [Implemented] Call for Help

3 years ago

Teleport everyone (not JD) to JD's position in a random radius 10-15 tiles around him

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

yup seems a sane request.
will add options:
- for arrival radius
- percent of online players/hard count of players
- some way to list explicitly excluded or included named players
- an option to weight the player selection by time online. - this may be multiple options, see discussion.

3 years ago

some way to list excluded (or low priority) or included (or high priority) players
Longer the players have been online the higher chance they have of being teleported?
Asking Billbo to check data of current save

3 years ago

yea there's an online_time attribute on player API. So total time online in this save ever. Does mean the same players will tend to be chosen, or the impact will be close to unnoticeable.

3 years ago


local function compare(a,b)
return a[1] < b[1]

local users = {}
for idx, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do
table.insert(users, {player.online_time,})

table.sort(users, compare)

for _, row in pairs(users) do
game.print(row[1] .. ".." .. row[2])

3 years ago

so muppet anyone with over 25% play time on the server should have 50% of being called for help!

New response