Hatsune Miku in bikini swimsuit

by plexpt

Replaces the Character with Hatsune Miku in bikini swimsuit. support skin selector mod. it has very nice animations. 比基尼泳装初音未来, 支持皮肤选择器mod。 拥有非常精美的动画

7 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Idle Tail Animation

a month ago

The Idle animation for the tails on the "Nine Tailed fox Miku in BIkini" is messed up.

The tails are floating off and away from the body.

When walking around the animation and positioning is correct.

a month ago

I I understand, but it's not convenient to adjust now.

a month ago

You can think of it as a feature.

a month ago


a month ago

Lol, I understand. I just know its been an issue for a while and werent sure if you where aware so wanted to make a post after I saw the mod update.

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