Hatsune Miku in bikini swimsuit

by plexpt

Replaces the Character with Hatsune Miku in bikini swimsuit. support skin selector mod. it has very nice animations. 比基尼泳装初音未来, 支持皮肤选择器mod。 拥有非常精美的动画

6 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [fixed] Error in assignID: entity with name 'miku-bikini-swimsuit-skin-corpse' does not exist

2 years ago

25.842 Checksum of pypetroleumhandling: 1432154961
25.842 Checksum of pyveganism: 3028081489
26.496 Error ModManager.cpp:1578: Error in assignID: entity with name 'miku-bikini-swimsuit-skin-corpse' does not exist. It was removed by miku-bikini-swimsuit.

Source: character (character).

2 years ago

update lastest version

2 years ago

fixed in 3.0

2 years ago


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