Look where I'm looking at deprecated

by eflfe

A simple mod that visually shows where you look at, to be precise it shows what item/chest/car you've opened.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Mouse cursor position ?

5 years ago

Is directly following the other player's cursor positions possible in Factorio ?
As an example, see the moving dots here :

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I'm not sure. I didn't find the right method to get the cursor position. Only if the player hovers his cursor over the entity.

5 years ago

I think its possible, as i remember a FFF that the game engine calculates and sends cursor information to and from the server, but i honestly doubt the factorio API has a way to get that information out of a remote player.

5 years ago

For example, I can make a laser weapon. You can use it to "shoot" a laser beam anywhere (without damage).

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Or i can use the shortcut:

Well, it is working. But it works little weird in multiplayer mode. I need more testing. Maybe a big ping could be a problem.

But if you want to try (for 0.17):

And 0.18:

4 years ago

why do you make a mod for ingame fonction ?
just push F4 and check the 9th checkbox

4 years ago

cuz that didnt exist when the mod was made...

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


4 years ago

cette option existe dans le menu F4 depuis la 0.15 sauf erreur.
c'est la 10e case

3 years ago

cursor positions != selection rectangles

Unless that setting is poorly named ?

New response