Laser Lines

by dorfl

A small laser projector for aligning stuff. Place it on the ground, rotate, set color and range.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Circuit network control?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I want to make a laser show! It would be cool if you could control on/off and color with the circuit network, just like a lamp.

5 years ago

I saw this request coming! :)

Answer is.... possibly, but need to think about how to do it properly. The code doesn't currently need an on-tick handler, which means great performance with no UPS hit, but I think we'd need on-tick to check the circuit network...

5 years ago

Not sure if the circuit network code for lamps is in lua or in the game engine, but if it's in lua you could probably mostly copy that, it'd be pretty similar functionality.

5 years ago

add a check for disabling circuit condition so the UPS can be optimized if people are concerned about it.

5 years ago

Yeah, probably the best compromise...

5 years ago

Added circuit network checks to 0.1.3. Default is turned off, so see mod settings.

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