Lamp Placer

by zomis

Select a dark area that has electricity and let there be lamps.

3 months ago
0.15 - 2.0

b crash

4 months ago

The mod Lamp Placer (1.1.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event lamp-placer::on_tick (ID 0)
position: 8388608.500000 is out of range
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'can_place_entity'
lamp-placer/control.lua:85: in function 'perform_function'
lamp-placer/async.lua:210: in function 'call_perform_function'
lamp-placer/async.lua:221: in function 'tick'
lamp-placer/async.lua:251: in function 'on_tick'
lamp-placer/control.lua:115: in function <lamp-placer/control.lua:114>

4 months ago

Please tell me more info about this. Did you select a really big area? Any other mods present?

I have heard this happen once before when someone selected a really big area, but I don't know how big of an area it was.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Same error here (except on version 1.1.3)

TLDR: Can't recreate exactly, it just happens when doing nothing/ random unrelated things. Also, selecting huge areas lags heavily but doesn't crash.

Not sure exactly why this happens but it only started doing it recently (after 180 hrs). It doesn't seem to be directly related to using the lamp mod. I tried to recreate it by using the mod to place lamps, placing a lamp ghost, placing a lamp manually but it didn't seem to crash, after hovering over a blue belt it decided to crash.

Seems rather random but so far it's crashed when: placing a blue belt ghost (click drag) then moving mouse over an already built belt, looking inside a provider container in a different planet while in map view.

Attempting to recreate this has not been possible.

Mods list is:
base 2.0.20
BeltRouter-lite 2.5.1
sonaxaton-infinite-resources 0.4.9
TogglePeacefulMode 0.3.2
artillery-bombardment-remote-2 2.0.7
atomic-artillery-reborn 1.0.2
blueprint-sandboxes 2.1.7
Bottleneck 0.12.0
brake-squeal-modded 2.0.9
elevated-rails 2.0.20
EpicArtillerySounds 2.0.1
Fill4Me 0.12.1
flib 0.15.0
kry_stdlib 1.5.5
Kux-coreLib 3.14.2
lamp-placer 1.1.3 (obviously)
laser_rifle 2.0.1
LouderCargoWagons 2.0.1
MaxRateCalculator 200.0.53
mining-patch-planner 1.6.27
Pi-C_lib 2.0.0
pump 2.1.2
quality 2.0.20
show-max-underground-distance 0.1.0
SpeedControl 2.0.2
valves 1.1.6
vine-boom-explosions 0.1.0
factoryplanner 2.0.12
Kux-ProductionRates 3.2.5
mushroom-cloud 1.0.2
RateCalculator 3.3.2
space-age 2.0.20
TaskList 0.5.0
awesome-sink 1.1.0
StopgapNukes 1.0.4
Waterfill_v17 2.0.4

I know this isn't helpful at all but a shot in the dark maybe it will have some positive outcome to the crashing issue.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Good news, taking insparation from yourself (zomis) I managed to make a save 5 seconds before it crashes every time. I did this by selecting a 500x500 area 4 times one after another and a 1000x500 area, after some lagspikes it crashes every time. Let me know if sending you a copy of the save might help debugging/fixing it.

The original crashes for me were not caused by this, i wasn't even using the lamp placer and the crashes happened but maybe the crash reason is the same in both cases and is fixable.

3 months ago

After you use the mod to select an area, the mod starts doing work in the background to not lock everything.

If you can create an issue on my GitHub and somehow attach or link to your save it would be helpful.

New response