Safer Asteroids

by Kryzeth

Prevents dangerous asteroids from spawning in planetary orbits, keeping Space Platforms safe. By default, only applies to the orbits of Nauvis, Vulcanus, Fulgora, and Gleba (can be expanded to others as well). Maximum asteroid size can be modified on a per-planet basis. Compatible with Any Planet Start.

25 days ago

b [Fixed] Lack of Small Asteroids?

4 months ago

Does this mod affect small asteroids at all, or do planets that normally have large asteroids have a low rate of small asteroids?

After installing this mod one my ships is basically stranded at Fulgora because almost no small asteroids are spawning at all.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

The way it should work, is that all asteroids larger than the harmless size get removed from the asteroid list of enabled planets and space locations. Let me check if any recent Factorio updates have broken this, but I want to say that there might be another mod affecting this.

EDIT: I see the issue. Dangerous asteroids were removed, but the harmless asteroids have much lower spawn rates than nauvis, by a factor of 10 or more in many cases. I was hoping I wouldn't have to modify the spawn_definitions directly, but I guess it's necessary. I'll just copy the stats from nauvis (or whatever the starter planet is, with Any Planet Start)) instead

4 months ago

Thank you! I would like to get my ship un-stranded. XD

4 months ago

I actually found an even better way to do this; Factorio doesn't seem to mind having duplicate entries in their asteroid spawning table, so I just converted the names of the other tables to that of the harmless variety. That way, I don't have to manually edit any entries or numbers, or copy any pre-existing spawn tables, so every planet retains their unique asteroid variety (just changing them all to the harmless type).

Fixed in v1.0.1

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