🌐 Enable All Planet Mods

by Kryzeth

Simply has every currently available standalone planet mod on the mod portal as a forced requirement. Glorified shortcut to quickly enable all planets, moons, space locations, and exoplanetary systems (mainly used for compatibility testing). 🌐

Mod packs
20 days ago

i [Implemented] Replace Tenebris with Tenebris Prime in the near future

a month ago

I've created a fork of Tenebris under the name "Tenebris Prime." While it might be premature now, if the original Tenebris goes without any updates for an amount of time you can decide, you might want to replace Tenebris with my fork, which has several QOL upgrades, and will likely receive pull requests to further improve it.

a month ago

Good to know; if the original author is confirmed to be MIA, I'll be sure to replace it in the pack with a note explaining why. Best of luck on the fork!

25 days ago

Officially replaced Tenebris with Tenebris Prime as of v1.0.9

24 days ago

What about backwards compatibility ? I've already gone through the regular Tenebris. But now I had to disable Enable All Planet Mods because it now conflicts Tenebris and Tenebris Prime.
If I delete Tenebris and turn back on Enable All Planet Mods with Tenebris Prime all my base built on Tenebris will be saved ?

24 days ago

As far as I could tell, Tenebris Prime retains the internal names of all technologies and everything from the original mod, so if you replace the first Tenebris with Prime and then load up your save, it should still work properly

23 days ago

Yes, everything started up fine. It's safe to switch :) thanks!

23 days ago

Also, I've integrated all of the Tenebris expansion mods I've found into Tenebris Prime, so you can delete those QOL mods without issue.

New response