🌐 Enable All Planet Mods

by Kryzeth

Simply has every currently available standalone planet mod on the mod portal as a forced requirement. Glorified shortcut to quickly enable all planets, moons, space locations, and exoplanetary systems (mainly used for compatibility testing). 🌐

Mod packs
20 days ago

i [Implemented Enough] β—‹πŸŒ standardisation title mods

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Hello, in order to standardize the display and search for content that adds planets, moons and other celestial bodies to the game, I'm making a big proposal on github.
Since your project is unfortunately not present on Github, I am obliged to make the request here and let you do the work (rather than simply make a PR that you could have validated).

Also, my modification is simple and consists of two characters.

- The first in-game in the mod selection menu.
- The second will be displayed on Mods.factorio.
So if you'd like to modify the following files, that would be great.

  • ./info.json β€˜description’:β—‹πŸŒ<description txt>’
  • ./locale/en/locale.cfg (or base or anyname)

and idem for each translation file in your mod (if the line doesn't exist, add the English one)

ps: my native language is not english, please pay no heed to the tone used which may sometimes seem inapropiate, i wish you much courage and perseverance for your project, an excellent day to you. <3

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Hm, could you drop a link to this project? Or am I the first one you reached out to? Since I couldn't find any PR's made for Corrundum or Secretas or even Maraxsis?

But is the end goal just to add the planet icon as a prefix to every planet mod's name and description? I'd be willing to do it, but I don't want to be the first one to do it lol

a month ago

But is the end goal just to add the planet icon as a prefix to every planet mod's name and description?

Or am I the first one you reached out to
i need fork every repo, make modification and PR for ... like 30 repo
yes you are the first to reply now =)

a month ago

done, exept for https://github.com/rjdunlap, i will take it tommorow

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Did you confirm that the planet emoji icon appears in-game? I just checked out Corrundum and Secretas mods, and they both simply have the β—‹ part. They also don't appear to have the 🌐 icon in either the title, or the description in-game, and they don't appear on the mod portal for either mod.

a month ago

it's just that =)
the 🌐 appari only on mods.factorio

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Right, but the icon also doesn't appear in the actual title of the mod on the website... is it not supposed to? Because as far as I can tell, the planet emoji is basically an invisible marker everywhere, with only the β—‹ part being visible anywhere.

Doesn't seem to be the most useful... (though as a side effect, forces each of these mods to the top of the list, which definitely seems unintentional)

a month ago

on the website it's in your title that you need to change it, only you can do it.

with only the β—‹ part being visible anywhere.

utf-8 issue, factorio support only a few of emoji unicode, not all of them, so choice are very limited.
fire, lightning, lamp, book, very basic unicode emoji

a month ago

Oh, I actually never noticed that. I forgot that the title doesn't just auto-update to whatever the title of the mod is when you release a new version (I've almost never changed the title of my mods), but I guess the summary works the same way, so I should have guessed...

Honestly, changing the title on the website might be more important than changing it in the mod itself lol

a month ago

although the factorio mods site is rather well designed and pretty, it's ultimately just text and eye-catching images, nothing more, so add a bit of shape and flow with unicode emoji some people have thought of it, but unfortunately it's not a standard at the moment.
It's sad, as it makes it easy to categorise mods, like adding a ⚑ in front of a mod that adds solar panels,

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Well that's kinda what the categories are supposed to be for, so any mod that adds power production should be tagged as "Power", which is defined as "power production and distribution". Though I suppose those categories disappear once the mod has been downloaded, so it would be helpful in the in-game mod list (if they appeared).

There's also a distinct lack of "space" category, which is quite unfortunate...

a month ago

Agree with Kryzeth.

Fr_Dae, if you want it to standardize, you should voice it in this thread. https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?t=110878

Instead of making PRs on all mods with planets. Add that to the title isn't a proper way to standardize.

a month ago

Yes. I've already written about it. I don't understand the point of adding an icon in front of the name.

a month ago

I added the planet emoji to the title and description of the mod on the mod portal website (because it's definitely eye catching, and is the only place that emoji will render). Locking the thread, since I don't plan to change the in-game title or description, sorry.

This thread has been locked.