🌐 Enable All Planet Mods

by Kryzeth

Simply has every currently available standalone planet mod on the mod portal as a forced requirement. Glorified shortcut to quickly enable all planets, moons, space locations, and exoplanetary systems (mainly used for compatibility testing). 🌐

Mod packs
20 days ago

g [Off-Topic] Delirious planet Ceris

2 months ago

Mod curve. Needs some work. This is not a planet, but a living hell. I'm stuck on it. The reactor is eating rods like crazy. We emit little heat, yet it still cools down in seconds. 4 hours of farming for 5 minutes of heat, and not everywhere.

2 months ago

Better add SLP

2 months ago

I don't think suggesting or sharing your thoughts here, rather than on the discussion pages of these planetary mods themselves, would be of any help.

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