Kill count

by seky16

Count how many biters you killed.

2 years ago

b Objective stuck on screen forever

2 years ago

After i remove the Mod from my game i still see the objective with kill count and can't get rid of it. Also there is no setting in mod to disable the popup. And no setting to move that popup to another corner. If it possible pls make changes to fix this

2 years ago
  1. Enter the map editing mode
  2. Choose your save
  3. Transform it into a script
  4. Create a new world with this scenario, keep in mind that everything will be saved except the inventory, so before you perform step 1, move all your things to some chest or warehouse

And don't install this mod anymore. I'm sorry, the author, but it's really a shitty idea to make such a mod with such a hard bug

2 years ago

How can you see, I fix it

2 years ago

Thanks ShamHyper for fixing modders incompetency.

2 years ago

ok. its also interesting idea. but i found simpler way.
After i remove the mod i updated the Goal with command console
/c game.player.set_goal_description("",false)
if owner of mod can add it somehove to settig would be great (i am far from moddin)

1 year, 1 month ago
you can use this mod to do lua command without loosing achievements

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