Just go!

Instantly pops you into a vehicle when you place it, and picks it up again when you exit.

1 year, 25 days ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Doesn't work on hotbars 5+

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

In control.lua, line 51, should be for i = 1, 100 do.

Have you tried sending Folk a pull request on github with the update?

5 years ago

This change is made in 0.17.2

I didn't make a pull request as I honestly don't have much experience with github. I did ask him on his discussion board if he would update the mod, but received no response.

5 years ago

I've been maintaining my own fork for a bit now. Would you like to collaborate? I added some code to support item/entity mismatch, in order to support Hovercrafts.

5 years ago

I'd love to collaborate. I reposted this mod because I feel it's such a great addition to the game, but there are definitely features and compatibility improvements that could be made.

What did you have in mind?

5 years ago

Drop me an email: chris at my nickname dot net.

5 years ago

I sent it, let me know if you got it

New response