JR Metals

Alternative way of handling copper, iron and crafting steel. As a bonus mod gives you molten form of plastic and sulfur for alternative storage/transport.

1 year, 4 months ago
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

g Plastic recipe being a loop?

2 years ago

The only way to make molten plastic seems to be to melt plastic, and the only way to use it is to make plastic bars (besides barrrels), is that intended?

2 years ago

The only way to make molten plastic seems to be to melt plastic, and the only way to use it is to make plastic bars (besides barrrels), is that intended?

Hi, yup it is, I simply added a molten plastic for alternative storage/transport. Its lossless - input and output amounts are the same. Plastic bar goes in, plastic bar goes out.
Also I might do more with molten form of it in the future updates.

2 years ago

Is it intended that none of the recipes work with productivity?

2 years ago

Is it intended that none of the recipes work with productivity?

Hi, I`m trying to figure it out atm, how to include mod recipes to allow productivity. I hope to fix this in the next updates, I see no reasons why productivity would not be allowed.

2 years ago

Is it intended that none of the recipes work with productivity?

updated, now you should be able to use productivity modules in smelter and when crafting plates.

2 years ago

Do the plastic recipes allow prod? As it is, this creates an infinite positive loop of plastic if they do.

2 years ago

Do the plastic recipes allow prod? As it is, this creates an infinite positive loop of plastic if they do.

No, plastic is excluded obviously.

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