Island Spawn

This mod adds recipes to build everything from a small Island surrounded by water

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

g Other Mod Support

7 years ago

Does this mod have support or addons for other mods like Bob's or Angel's?

7 years ago

no, and i have no idea how that would work. i have never played those mods

7 years ago

I've just tried it this weekend and made a trivial change to the mod.

Instead of the recipes producing iron, copper and stone I've made recipes that make angels-ore1 through angels-ore6 (which is sapharite, stiratite, jivolite, crotinium, rubyte, bobmonium). Added 6 new icons and started the game.

If you are interested I can check how to detect angles mods and conditionally activate one set of recipes or the other and then send you a patch.

6 years ago

if you want, you can change something on the github page i just made for the new version, please dont hesitate to use comments

6 years ago

Hello! I'm having this error while loading the game:

"Error to load mod: Error while running setup for entity prototype "sprout" (tree). No order string defined, and there is no item to place it."

I definitely have too many mods at the moment and this could be the reason (omni, bob, angels, py, + minor mods)

6 years ago

@Topolog That is caused by a conflict with Bob's Greenhouse. This mod doesn't seem to currently support Bob's Greenhouse (would be great if it did, as that would enable another way of automating sludge)

New response