Inland Pumps

by minno

Allows placing pumps inland if any "waterfill"-type items are unlocked

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b 0.17

5 years ago

broke my save, the mod removed the ability to craft pumps, and removing the mod let the pump status for that save as un-craftable. reinstalling the mod and executing the revert command doesn't fix the issue

5 years ago

Can you send me the save? It's working in my tests both on new 0.17 saves and on ones from 0.16.

For an immediate fix to the recipe issue, you can run the command /c["offshore-pump"].enabled = true if it's single-player, or /c for _, force in pairs(game.forces) do["offshore-pump"].enabled = true end in multiplayer. That will force the normal offshore pump recipe to be unlocked for everyone.

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