HandCraft Timer

by SirHall

Calculates the time remaining when crafting by hand

2 years ago

b Crash on game start [FIXED]

3 years ago

I guess a few null checks are in order.
I'll add this to the todo list though admittedly as of now I feel this might be caused by another mod.

Please post further suggestions and issues: https://github.com/SirHall/handcraft_timer/issues
(I may not always see them quickly here)

3 years ago

At first glance it appears to me that your player does not have a character assigned to it.

3 years ago

it's the start of the game, ofc the player doesn't have a char assigned to it yet

3 years ago

You'll have to forgive me as I do not know the ins and out of how this game works as of yet.
But I do believe I have implemented a fix which is essentially just a check to see if the player has an associated character, at least it works on my machine. :)

3 years ago

again crashing.
not using github cause i dont want an additional account...

3 years ago

Although I am unable to properly test it, I believe I have fixed the crash in the new version.

3 years ago



3 years ago


New response